Ah-Choo! You Have a Cold!!by Kira Freed
illustrated by Alex McVey edited by Sunny Im-Wang, Psy.D. Did you know that when kids feel empowered by knowledge and how to’s, they are more likely to make better choices? Children benefit from learning about what they experience. Ah-Choo! You Have a Cold! provides a general education about colds—what they are, what causes them, and to promote self-care—offers kids ways to feel better, fighting off germs, and preventive measures that can be taken. A great resource for kids at home or at school!
Lessons behind the reading Using fun illustrations and easy to understand examples and wordings to illustrate complex concepts such as a cold, Ah-Choo! You Have a Cold!, teaches important skills such as:
Complex concepts such as understanding emotions or physical experience are difficult to explain and teach to young children. Children benefit from learning about general functions of what is happening to their body and mind.
The Mind & Body Learning Library introduces to young children important basic concepts about our mind and body and how they’re connected to each other; helping them feel empowered by the knowledge and explanations. It also introduces and promotes self-care. A fantastic series, and great resource for children and adults! |